New Site

In case you haven’t noticed Sunday Papers is now on a website of its own although it is still a blog and looks the same. The aim is to be able to set up some different categories for links and have space to upload articles, ideas and presentations. At the moment I have four possible categories I am developing and hope to have on line in the next couple of weeks:

Links: Other blogs and sites

Articles– mainly stuff we have written but also with some links to other good related articles around

Youth Work Tacks – Ideas and resources for working with young people mainly when trying to do youth work INFRONT of church rather than OUT FROM church

Talks and Presentations: Self explanatory

Gallery – Images that may be of use to provoke discussion, and general photos.

If there is anything you would like to see let me know, I would value feedback. Please also bear with me as I work out how to upload the stuff and get to grips with the technology.


Acknowledgement is a strange thing. This summer I found myself at a festival suddenly reliasing how much I valued an indidviduals input into my early youth work. He had guided and supervised my first year of work when I really needed it. Saying thanks to him was very important, and incredably weird, but something far more important happened as the acknowledgement and thanks created a thin place. This weekend I have to give a toast to my sister and husband for their 25th wedding aniversary and part of that will include the acknowledgement and thanks for all they did for me, particularly putting me up when I was homeless as a teenager. I wonder if another thin place will open up or it is something to do with the hearer as well as the speaker.

Sunday Papers

Welcome. My first ever blog. The title comes from a recent thought that church should be more like sitting around with your friends on holiday and reading the papers. More on this later for now as someone who has no real idea how this technology stuff works I am going for an explore.

Travelling Etiquette

I mentioned I was going to have a bit of an explore, well it took me a couple of hours and I managed to work out how to put some links on. I haven’t asked people if I can put these here and am not sure of the etiquette. This got me thinking about the nature of the web and who is linked to who and who wants to be connected with who. On a journey does it matter who your fellow travelers are? Maybe if they eat all your supplies but then surely this is about our own selfishness and at least running out of food means a possible opportunity. So I decided to stick with the links hope this okay if not lets explore, – more fuel for the road.