Missional advent 1 – Awareness

This season of advent each day (although advent always seems to be way to busy so no promises) I want to take a word that links mission and advent and reflect briefly.

Awareness in advent is obvious but the concept is critical in mission. How aware are we of our motives, our position, our power, and God? Advent is a season of preparation but what missional awareness preparations do we make. Practicing the presence of God in our lives and basic awareness exercises help us prepare. Yet in the bustle of mission as in the bustle of Christmas it is too easy allow this busyiness to cloud our awareness, and shadow our missional consciousness.

missional discipleship

I cant make it to LICC where there is conversation on discipleship coming up. But Jason asked for few of my thoughts on the subject particlaurly around the shortfall between missional youth work and church i.e. Missional youth work hits a dead end if there isn’t a trully mission shaped community to feed young people into.

My main thought was that actually this is to avoid the real issue that a genuinely missional work would always seek to grow that community from the community it is serving. Whilst to an extent we are in an in between time (as christendom dies) the language of discipleship (into a mission shaped community) or even the notion that this is part of the answer reinforces a dualist divide that should not be present. If we do embrace a kingdom missional theology then we are already that community the moment we meet those young people. The way most seem to the use the word Discipleship reinforces this kind of dualism, as it usually refers to some sort of post decision idea. However if we are not about bounded sets and Christ centred (see Dave Andrews) and decision is more a willingness to journey together then the community can be formed and shaped together and then discipleship is far more reciprocal and I would argue real. I guess a key question in this would be; what are we (myself and the yp) being discipled towards? The old paradigm would put of primary the importance of orthodoxy where the missional community would be orthopraxis. In our experiences with the yp we see evidence of the fruit of the spirit and orthopraxis but none would call themselves Christians.

The gospel in less than ten words or a single picture

TSK has a couple of posts on The Jesus Freaks and a post linking to here the gospel in less than 10 words. I was interested in the reponses that didnt use christian jargon which got me thinking about the gospel as a dynamic process that we are involved, so my 10 words would be “journeying together to rediscover, ourselves, the world and one another”. Then as visual thinker I couldnt get a TSK picture out of my head as a visual expression of my thoughts.

the gospel in a picture

the gospel in a picture

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Post modern mission

This is a kind of reworking of an earlier post *batteries not included buy exploring how we can use post modern conditions (PMC) to aid the process of mission or if you like how can the charateristics of post modernity help us help the world and ourselves become fully human. They all inter relate but here are a few I have been thinking on.

PMC Truth is relative
– reinforces the need for missional humility countering the Christendom arrogance.
– reinforces that it is God’s mission not ours
PMC This is my truth
– mission is a dialogue and christianity is a faith that questions our answers so we can journey together
-we do not have a monopoly on truth but see through a glass dimly they may help liberate us
– if we listen thier truth they will listen to ours
– trust our story
PMC it is all one
– mission is worship which fuels our faith and gives time to engage with people
– is a response that goes beyond the categories of modernity so can itself be critiqued
– you will find God in that moment
PMC Individualist consumerism
– even here God is present, there is the echo of a memory that this may not fullfill
– the fleeting nature of the purchase and the God who plays hide and seek
PMC it is all relative
– opens dialogue and listening which in turns offers and reinforces the desire for relationships
– a good place to start a journey of discovery
PMC hyper criticism
– if a seeker seeks they will find, encourge the questions rather close down the dialogue by giving an answer
– the offer and possible discovery of the herectical imperative
– christ is beyond the propositional approachs and faith is not about assent to the particularBaja Beach Bums move

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A third confessional perspective.

At the moment I have a three sided mirror in which to reflect on some big questions about change and the nature of the christian message. I am reading Phillip Davies Whose bibe is it anyway for my post grad in practical theology, Reading Pete Rollins The fidelity of betrayal and the third mirror is my own practice side of church on the edge driven by the missiology developed over the past decade or so. All which are provoking me to look deeper at the meta-narrative I think the christain faith and Biblical text carry and the implications for mission.

Davies discusses the nature/approaches of biblical criticism and argues that there are esentially two perspectives, confessional (coming from a theological/faith perspective which he also uses emic, Bible studies and Scripture to differetate those who see the Bible as canon) or non confessional (coming from a humanist perspective where he also used the terms etic, biblical studies and non canonical). His typeology is good and useful but I find his understanding of the confessional perspective (a kind of fundemental/literalist to liberal) limted and dated.

From my third confessional perspective (which I would say borrows from modern emerging church perspectives that in themselves also borrow from traditions although reframed, post modern theory, and mission encounters) sees faith about the redemptive processes that consistantly ruptures our worldview (inc our faith paradigm) and is a series of revolutionary moves

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that form and shape a new (at the time) but growing (in hindsight) understanding of God.

So I have no qualms about Davies exegisis of texts as they may help us with the rupture, indeed I approach Biblical studies with this mind (part of the third confessional perspective) and may even argue that this is why we have the text, however Davies would argue that confessional perpectives limit. I would agree when looking at narrow confessional perspectives and that there is a danger of this within the third, but I would argue that biblical criticism from the third perspective more in line with etic approaches than the emic as it demands a rigour and openess that could even beyond a humanist perspective as this a truth understanding that may be less open than the third confessional perpective.

Rollins in both the fidelity of betrayal and how not to speak of God goes someway to underline both the need for a third confessional perspective (although he doesnt use the term) and identifies and develops (particularly in fidelity of betrayal) the perspective as he reflects on the place and notions of truth held within/by the historic confessional perspectives.

Davies exergesis of Abraham in chapter 5 Male bonding leads him conclude “there are no historical or theological truths that need to be won from this, only the wisdom and experience of the tellers.” and the writer may be suggesting that god is much like politican that makes promises that change, and not to be trusted, and that we shoud hold these lightly, esentially that neither Abraham or Yhwh are what they are cracked up to be. So what Davies does is very consistant with a third confessional perspective perhaps even biblical evidence for this perspective, and supports how Rollins develops the perpective as the God we know cannot be G-d as G-d is beyond, more etc.

(sorry about the spelling but spell check not working and low on time)Miss Conception movie


I was chatting yesterday Iain about stories that break the narrative and creating fissures in the christendom/ corrupted christian worldview. Thinking about how both pressure from within and outside can help open the cracks up. However over the years there have often been stories that oppose the establishment eg anabaptist but cant get away from the thought that lots of people see the need to paste over the cracks hence the slow pace of change.Definitely, Maybe dvdrip

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i love this story that Keith posted over at Under the Acacias :-

Pastor Jean-Baptiste tells this story of when he was a teacher in a Christian school:
“There were two Muslim girls in my class. They were intelligent girls, but they would fall asleep in class. I called them to come and chat.
‘Monsieur’, they said, ‘it is because we are hungry.’
I checked out and found there were 20 people in their families with hardly any food. I was given some money and bought their families five sacks of millet. I told them to use the millet for the whole family, but that there was one sack for each girl.
The father of one of the girls thought I wanted to marry her, and that was why I had given the food! I told him that it wasn’t that, but that they were intelligent girls and I wanted them to come to school with a full stomach so they could study.
That girl became a Christian. Today she is the minister for Human Rights in the Burkina government. And she loves Jesus.”

Greenbelt reflections

I finally made it to beer and hymns this year – albeit cider and carols, and it was awesome, and a real highlight. I didn’t get to a lot as FYT had a stand, and sadly missed Pete Rollins, nowadays I find it impossible to switch off my mission head, and was disappointed with the limited imagination of most of what I went to. It was great to go to some of all age orientated alt worship, and at one level it was good but it was still full of christian jargon, language, and I would have to agree with the title of one of Pete Rollins sessions Changing something so that everything remains the same. There was a great comment during one communion from a girl, as the leader used the liturgy to introduce the communion she said “we’ve all heard this story” clearly impatient with the process. It sums up much of what I experienced in talks and worship, whilst cider and carols would fit right in as an approach to mission in our current context where many people still have the echo of a christian memory.
On the reverse most of people I was camping with found the sessions stimulating and worthwhile, the question is where do I and they go now.See Spot Run on dvd The Narrow Margin on dvd