Today I went to sheffield for a celebration of the life of my aunt and uncle, who died earlier this year. They were quiet heros of the faith, and always supported and encouraged my work, as local methodist preachers they were well known in the area and it was great to hear the stories from the local people whose lives they touched over the past 60 or so years. They were learners and continued to run bible studies and attended theology classes in the university into their 70’s, but more than this they loved people faithfully. Their support and hospitality was renowned, and the minister commented on Priscillas ability to put herself in the shoes of others and so the care she showed was always just right. Morris was often the MC for our family events, with a great sense of humour, and appropriatly wise words for each occassion. These two quiet and faithfull saints will be missed and never forgotton.
Category Archives: Life
Back but not via terminal 5
After the flight was cancelled due to the terminal 5 fiasco, I flew back with Luthansa and (via a slight bit of blagging) got bumped up to business class. The best part of which was when they weighed the my suitcase which I thought was small enough for hand luggage but was too heavy, however the check in lady (note lady not woman – this was business class you know!) said “as you are flying business class sir, it will be fine to make an exception”
I couldnt believe it not only geting bumped but no risk of loosing bags! off on holiday next week but doubt my blagging skills are up to getting the whole family bumped up still we can give it a go!
No blogs for a while but thinking about heresey as a way forward
Next week I am off to the IASYM conference in Germany looking at ecclesiology and youthwork. Then back to the UK for a couple of days of hectic prep and final marking, before taking off with the family to Spain to see my sis and have a two week break, so not sure when i will next post, but am keen to explore the issue of mission as a resource for breaking out of the current church paradigm and the link between this and the need for a heretical imperative to help us fully move beyond our existing pagan christian understanding.Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj movies What’s Eating Gilbert Grape dvdrip
Implications of being Missional
Our front garden has been a veg plot for several seasons now. If I spend time there I meet the neighours, and passers by. This is part of a deliberate choice, to provide opportunities to connect with those around me. The garden, our parties, sunday lunches are all have personal implications of being missional or seeking to live a missional life. I use the word missional over mission here in a simular to Alan Roxburgh and Fred Romanuk do in their introduction to The missional leader – equiping your church to reach a changed world.
“God is about a big purpose in and for the whole of creation. The church has been called into life to be both the means of this mission and a foretaste of where God is is inviting all creation to go. Just as its Lord is a mission-shaped God, so the community of God’s people exists, not for themselves but for the sake of the work. Mission is therefore not a program or project some people in the Church do from time to time (as in “mission trip”, “mission budget” and so on); the church’s very nature is to be God’s missionary people. We use the word missional to mark this big difference. Mission is not about a project or a budget or a one-off event somewhere; its not even about a sending missionaries. A missional church is a community of God’s people who live into the imagination that they are, by their very nature, God’s missionary people living as a demonstration of what God plans to do in and for all of creation in Jesus Christ.”
As outer personal impliations these parties, gardens lunches etc are fine, on another level there are other personal implications – for tuffty, clive and smiler my children (12, 10 and 1 yrs old and not their real names) – They don’t get to go to sunday school or learn about about Christ in traditional ways, which at times I think is great and at times causes a mild panic. They get used to various people in the house, going away for random chaotic weekends with random chaotic young people, they put up with us stopping to chat to people in the street, and they get used to living on a lower income than we could have as a family. They find themselves in conversations around the nature of church that may be beyond their understanding. Whilst there are some real benefits – at times they could see it as a pretty raw deal.
When we use the word missional in this way it also has to have organisational implications on how we do church or how we run the organistion and structural implications on what is church. Firstly how do we maintain a missional impetus and dna in our organisational structures? What started me thinking about this was the number of agencies that call themselves mission agencies but don’t employ people who aren’t christians or who when running mssion trips only allow people people of a certain level of faith to go along. How do we as a missional group use the whole of who we are and what we do in a missional way. By using volunteers who have no faith aligence or of other faiths, we create opportunities to connect, to learn, to dialogue. I am not saying we shouldn’t be discerning about who we work alongside, or that we should hide our faith afflilations from those who may be ale help us but don’t share our worldview but that we should value others in a way the doesn’t exclude and ask ourselves serious questions about what it is to be mssional in our organisational structures and the way we do things. This leads in turn to structural issues. Structually how do we position ourselves to be missional? Can we work inside systems and processes and what are the implications of change coming from the edge. How can emerging churches that use the word missional to describe themselves maintain bounded set approaches.
I wonder how many agencies that define themselves as missional or mission centred could meet the definition of being missional when applied to their organisational or structural make up.
Slipping through the net
Through the detached youth work we have been in touch recently with a couple of young people who left school to work, as quite lively Afro Samurai: Resurrection move young people they held down the job for a while or were one of the first to loose their job when the factory made cutbacks. These were always the type of young people who are always going to pursue work rather than training, or college, and possibly the most likley to struggle in the workplace. The issue is – if they were in training or college and left there would be a natural process for connexions to pick them up but for those in work there is no system, and I would argue that it may be these young people that are more in need of tracking. It took me five people and two phone calls of 20 minutes to find the right connexions advisor to put them in touch with, but if the yp dont visit, they will not be picked up unless they start trying to claim a benefit, (which at least one is adament he wont do) Talking to the advisor to question how they would get supported or if connexions would know if they lost lost their job the simple matter was they wouldnt, for at least a year till the next check up point. Talk about a big gap in the net for young people.
Down with Colds
Down with colds! Down with colds! Down with colds! Down with colds!
Colds are rife in our family at the moment, and just hoping that they dont develop into more flu stuff. So as for me and my household we say…….
Down with colds!
Finding Time
I usually take a bit of time out at the start of the year to reflect on life etc, and the main reflection is that I am aware of the lack of time I have had in the past year, to reflect for myself and the likelihood of finding time this year is scary. Looking back on my blog posts I think there were too many posts highlighting what others have said or passing on news and whilst the original posts are important there is a quote below from Henry Thoreau that comes to mind.
“when our life ceases to be inward and private, conversation degenerates into mere gossip. We rarely meet a man who can tell us any news which he has not read in a newspaper or been told by a neighbour; and for the most part the only difference between us and our fellow is that he has seen the newspaper or been out to tea and we have not. In proportion as our inward life fails we go more constantly and desperately to the post office. You may depend on it that the poor fellow who walks away with the greatest number of letters proud of his extensive correspondence has not heard from himself in a long while.”
Whilst it seems a contradiction to use the quote, it serves to remind me of the need to find time.
New Year
Happy New Year.
I have pretty much stopped melting and apart fom a twitchy eye and slightly slurred speech and back to normal.
NCVYS has just brought out a policy brief on the new childrens paper download it here
Help I’m melting.
Yesterday I woke up no sense of taste (some would say I never had any anyway) then today started dribbling, and cant close one eye, I am slightly paralyzed on one side of my face, been to the docs and it is Bells Palsy although I like the name Idiopathic peripheral facial palsy (its the idiopathic bit I like – it kind of sums up how I feel when I am drinking anything), so am on a range of tablets and eye drops to treat the symptoms. (cost a fortune in scripts) . Josiah and Bethany helpfully commented that I was melting down one side! The docs know the cause in neurological but no cure however most (70%) recover in about 5 weeks.