When I started Sunday Papers the title came from thoughts about what church in a post Christian society should look and feel like. It takes the notion that church should be more like sitting around with your friends on holiday and reading the papers. You know that time when things are chilled, maybe you rented a house, maybe you’re sitting at home, or in a tent. You’re sharing the Sunday papers out amongst each other, Mum has the Mail, your mate has brought the Times, and you and everyone else are nicking bits off each of them and the kids are arguing about who reads the funnies first. You drift in and out of conversation, as different articles, adverts and bits catch peoples’ attention. There’s big pot of coffee on the go, everyone has a different opinion, and even though you can’t believe Mum still reads the Mail, and discussions get heated from time to time, the relaxed supportive environment, mirrored by the smell of the coffee pervades all.
This blog space catches my emerging thoughts, I am committed to inhabiting the space on the edge wherever possible and bringing that learning, wisdom and innovation into the journey of life. I have published several books, most recently Here Be Dragons and countless articles and reflections. I recently made a move north to work in Cumbria on the edge of the inside of institutional church. So in October 2017 I archived all the old posts into the Zzz Old category and relaunched the blog as Sunday Papers – Suppliment. All blog posts are my own and do not respesent the views of the Diocese of Carlise the God for All initiative or associated partners.
As Jim Wallis the founder of Sojourners puts it “To be an active agent of the kingdom is our highest calling. The kingdom generates new forces of righteousness, justice and peace through the means of servanthood and self giving love…. we begin to test things by a biblical judgement and the church is slowly led from conformity to community and change…The kingdom is within us and among us; it is our standard, our calling, our hope and our salvation. It is deeper, stronger, more profound and lasting than all our programmes, strategies, projects and causes.”
Be Still and Still Moving